Thursday, May 7, 2009

Warm fuzzies

I like coupons. And while normally I dont have very many except for baby stuff, I signed up for lots of freebies and coupons while pregnant, and i definitely use them. So the other day I was standing in the baby aisle at walmart digging through my baby coupons while alady was staring at the similac formula. She looked like one of those people that are really trying and was frustrated by the price of formula. Anyway, even though I dont use formula I get lots of coupons and I had 5 or 6 $5 off similac coupons so i asked this lady if she would like them. She was so excited I thought she was going to hug me. Anyway I got that warm fuzzy feeling even though all Id done was give up something I was going to end up throwing away anyway.

The little boy I'mwatching is asleep and Emily almost is so I think Ill use the opportunity to grab a bite to eat:)

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